

Regular price LE 4,700.00 Sale price LE 4,230.00

An Online workshop + Follow up session that will help you: 

 - Foster friendship, respect, affection, and closeness in your romantic relationship

- Build a deeper connection and understanding of each other's inner world

- Manage conflict constructively

- Cultivate a deeper understanding of the nature of men and women

- Discover the true keys to passionate and enduring love

The Soulmates workshop is founded on the research-based program “Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” developed by John M. Gottman Ph.D. This program helps couples in strengthening their friendship, managing conflict successfully, honoring each other's dreams, all while creating shared meaning. And it is all based on 40 years of research with over 3000 couples. The content is also drawn from the world-renowned insights on gender intelligence developed by John Gray Ph.D in his famous books “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”

* Is this workshop for me?

The Soulmates workshop is designed for ALL couples and individuals in a committed relationship. Research shows that on average, couples wait six years from the first signs of problems before they seek help. This program is designed to strengthen your marriage or relationship with your significant other. No matter how the foundation of your relationship is, this workshop will provide you with insights and tools to make it a greater one. If your relationship is distressed, this workshop will provide a road map for repair.

* How is the Program Structured?

This is a practical and self learning course! You won't just sit and learn these life-changing techniques. You will experience them and apply them throughout the workshop - transforming yourself and your relationships. The course consists of meaningful lectures and couples exercises. Everything is done with a lot of love and humor. 

* Who is eligible to attend The Soulmates Program?

The Soulmates Program is appropriate for individuals and couples approaching engagement as well as couples married for decades. It is psycho-educational and is intended for couples and individuals who wish to enhance and enrich their relationship.

* Who is not appropriate for The Soulmates Program?

Psycho-educational classes are not appropriate for couples with severe relationship distress, significant emotional or physical abuse, serious emotional or mental health problems, relationships where one or both partners are actively addicted to drugs, porn, or alcohol, and relationships with serious compulsive behavior with gambling, sexual acting out, and other disruptive behaviors. In these situations, couples counseling or individual counseling may be more appropriate.

* What the workshop is not?

- It is not therapy

- It is not an open sharing of personal problems. All exercises and discussions will occur privately between you and your partner.


طبيعه الكورس: اونلاين علي موقع زوم

اللغة: شرح الكورس يكون باللغة العربية ُوّلكن يوجد بعض المصطلحات باللغة الانجليزية فيفضل وجود الحد الأدنى من اللغة لتسهيل الفهم والاستيعاب

تُحفظ المحاضرة على موقع زووم لمدة أسبوع (٧ أيام) . بعد انتهاء الأسبوع، تُرفع المحاضرة من علي زوم  و لا يوجد أي امكانية للوصول الى المحاضره المرفوعة. برجاء حضور المحاضرة أو الرجوع إلى التسجيل  قبل انتهاء المدة المحددة

يُسمح باستخدام الماتيريال و سماع المحاضرات للمشتركين في الكورس فقط، ولا يحق بأي حال إشراك أي شخص اخر في الماتيريال أو في الاستماع للمحاضرة وهذا من باب الأمانة

Ask us about our course packages : 
+20 102 404 7963

+20 102 569 2602